How To Make People Like You In 90 Seconds Or Less

Book Description:
Whether selling, managing, applying to university, looking for a job - or looking for a soulmate - the secret of success is connecting with other people. Nicholas Boothman shows exactly how to make the best out of any relationship's most critical moment - those first 90 seconds that make up a first impression. Armed with his program, readers learn how to establish immediate trust by synchronizing voice tone and body language; the power of a Really Useful Attitude; and how to get people talking and keep them talking. He discusses eye cues, the magic of opposites attracting, and sensory preferences - some of us are Visual people, others are Kinesthetic (responding most to the sense of touch), and a few are Auditory. So when you say "I see what you mean" to a Visual, you're really speaking his or her language.

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